Binging cheese in my shame corner 🧀

Some things don’t mix well…

-oil + water 💦

-hot tea + your laptop keyboard ⌨️

-me + cheese 🧀

Chronic migraines, poor digestion and acne couldn’t drag me away from my one true love - a brick of havarti.

During each 3-day migraine I’d swear,

“When this is over, I’m never eating cheese again!”

Two days after recovery I’d be hiding in my shame corner between the couch and the coffee table binging a bowl of melted brie with garlic salt.

Quitting cheese was often my new year’s resolution.


Now that I am 5 years cheese free I understand why.

My resolutions were superficial.

They were only in my mind. The software running deeper than my mind wasn’t aligned with them.

Your body is more complex than you know. Behind every thought and action is a deeper impulse that determines everything. It’s like a software program running within you that determines your behaviour.

You can update this software.

The answer of course…… is yoga:) 🧘🏻‍♀️

Meditation, pranayama, self-reflection and regular yoga practice tune your energetic body to a higher frequency. Old habits and behaviours fall away on their own.

I haven’t eaten cheese in 5 years. A decadent spread at a dinner party is no temptation. That programming is no longer part of me.

The discomfort I was trying to soothe through my cheese attachment was healed on a deeper level.

✨I have more energy.

✨I’m happier.

✨My body doesn’t feel old and creaky.

You can have this too.

This year instead of fighting to stop something, why not add a new habit that will help everything you don’t need fall away?

Tune your body to a higher vibration 💫

3 things will accelerate this process:

  • Community - same attracts same. Find company that vibes higher and inspires you.

  • Support - stay close to a teacher or mentor who can support you on the path.

  • Proven Practices - classical yoga techniques work! Commit to learning yoga beyond physical postures.

The deepest teaching of yoga is that we are all LOVE 💖

May we all be supported in removing the obstacles we hold towards receiving love and remember what we truly are.

Wishing you all the best for 2022,


PS - Proven practices, support + community are exactly what you will find in the Abhyasa Living Yoga Teacher Training program. If it’s time for you to upgrade your software, I’d love to have you with us. Early bird savings end soon. Apply here: